About Me

My name is Yasmin Zulfati Yusrina. I am 26 years old and I live in Samarinda, Indonesia. I started learning to code after I graduated from Institut Teknologi Kalimantan in 2016. In 2018, I started making Vue tutorials on YouTube and my website.

I also worked as a front-end web developer in Jakarta for a bit before I continued my study at Institut Teknologi Bandung. I got so busy and barely ever coded.

When I dive back to web development recently (I finally graduated), everything has changed 🤣 It is still fun, though, so I decided to rebuild my website and make Vue tutorials again.

Besides web development, I am also interested in intermittent fasting and exercise. I used to jog a few times a week before Covid-19, but now I like jumping rope more. I also like playing games and reading webtoon.